My friend Kyle came down from New York to Macon and Atlanta GA. to visit old friends (like me) and family for new years. I was very excited to see him, hear new stories and old ones. The one moment I will remember fondly is we decided to smoke some trees, one relaxing night. Not trying to wild out but just enjoy ourselves. We raved about our own artistic endeavors and ideas. Showing him my new work he said to try and make the art work more about me, my life, from what I remember. It was nice to hear this from him cause it was something I herd from Torey, talking to him. Recently the law has given me a big slap in the face and so have some friendly conversations. I would like to say I am a graffiti artist on the side and a artist full time, from here on out.
My recent work project Mirror Skins is exactly that. Looking further into it late at night drinking green tea. I feel my work is the constant struggle to please everyone. The details in the clothes mimicking the style of attention and pateince and practice most people enjoy starring at now a days and being wowed and bedazzled and contemplative on how long that took and how and why did he take so much time on just the clothes and hair while the skin of the people mimic there identity and also my constant struggle to free my artwork to a level where I am content with the mistakes and anger and sadness I feel every day looking at my work and those of others and wondering who am I as a artist. Pastel colors have always caught my eye, the transparency of it the dreamy heaven like colors I feel covering up a idea of something wrong with everything we see and touch now a days. I am rambling, but its better then being in jail and being made to think these rambling thoughts.
Give me back my sketchbook world.